Mo-Search 4.0.5

Mo-Search quickly Locates, Scores and Ranks relevant files by searching file contents or filenames/paths. Advantages include: Scored and Ranked Results, Searches Networked Drives (shares), Integrated FileViewer with Highlighted Matches, and Integrated EXIF QuickView adjacent to previewed images.

* Ranked And Sorted Results: During each search, files are scored by relevance and sorted to maximize your search productivity. So, you quickly find what you are looking for.
* Easy To Use: Relevant files are quickly located and sorted by Score, so your computer does the searching, not you.
* 100% Free (As in $0.00 and Spyware/Adware-Free). We much prefer improving many people’s lives (for free) to making a buck off of a select few… or much worse: slamming innocent peoples computers with malicious Spyware. (We are big fans of free Spyware removal tools such as Ad-Aware and SpyBot)
* Search Networked Drives (shares). Some competitors provide a free, yet neutered, search tool that prohibits searching networked drives.
* FileViewer With Highlighted Matches quickly displays file contents and matches without launching separate applications.
* EXIF QuickView displays adjacent to Integrated FileViewer when an image contain EXIF data.
* Find Duplicate Files tool: Quickly locate and cleanup duplicate files.
* Find File Types tool: Quickly calculate which file types are using the most space.

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