Blogging, Is it Difficult to Make it Pay?

Have totally changed over the last few years from a private log of one’s thoughts and actions, a bit like a diary into one of the most potent marketing forces on the internet today. The advantage of a blog over a traditional website is the interactiveness which more easily creates relationships between the blogger and his visitors.

Setting up a blog is very simple and easy to do and once made you have plenty of ways of monetizing your blog and also changing it’s appearance to suit your business without knowing any coding or html. You can place strategic links on your blog to your business web site either directly or via RSS. If you want to create a blog then here is some advice on how to run it to your best advantage.

1, Visitors. The one thing you can’t afford to forget is that people have arrived at your blog looking for information more than likely after typing certain keywords into a search. Your content needs to stay on topic and keep them fascinated enough to explore more into your blog and possibly go take a look at your business website. So keep your content relevant and interesting.

2, Words fail. A large block of text can become very boring when reading, especially online. A picture or graphic or two placed within the text breaks up the strict framework of the post and keeps the reader interested through to the end. It is especially true if the picture is relevant to the subject of the post.

3, Always remember that your objective is to attract visitors who are interested in your subject matter. If your blog is themed on fishing then don’t just dump a post on there about sports cars. You want to attract visitors based on keyword searches and need to make sure your content is always relevant and on topic. You are trying to build relationships with your visitors to get their trust hoping to get to the next level when they will buy a product or service from you so keep them interested and coming back to your blog.

4, Nice and Easy. Most of your visitors won’t be technophobes unless your niche is especially technical so write in an easy flowing style without too many obscure big words that you may think sounds clever but will only confuse half your visitors and drive them away. There’s no substitute for straightforward English everyone can understand with a nice flowing style in short paragraphs to break it up a little.

5, Always enable the ‘Comments’ feature in your blogs. This is your chance to interact with your visitors and find out what they think of your posts and what they’d like to hear more of. This is vital for the good running of a blog. For safety’s sake you should set it so all comments have to be approved before being published. This will stop your blog being polluted with lots of spam comments.

The number one task you must do before even installing a blog anywhere is have your plan of action ready. You need to be committed to submitting new content on a regular basis and answering posts that need to be answered. Don’t forget your comments posters also give you their email address so this is another valuable resource for any internet marketer.

Mel Downes is the founder and owner of the Top Rated Work At Home Directory, To follow in his footsteps and build your own successful Work At Home empire visit ChasetheGlow Work At Home Programs
