Sell more with new terms

By Cicely K. Leblanc

You have your keywords that tells which keywords searchers are searching for when they search for your website or/and your products, yet you may want some inspiration to insert flavor and improve conversion. I have composed some words that I wish will inspire you.

Internet users don’t see the equivalent things after they are constantly exposed to them time and again. In Internet promotion banner blindness is the most famous example. Internet users simply get used to banners that advertise something that is not worth their time, therefore they stop detect the banners after a while. The same thing happens with expressions that are used to make us do something.

Thus, you must alter your action expressions occasionally to keep them successful. The problem for most writers is that it is awfully tricky to alter the expressions because of old habit.

I have made this list of actions expressions to assist you alter expressions occasionally to keep making your writing copy effect full.

Here are a few examples on how you can vary simplicity and colloquial vs. normal words.

Indicating Simplicity:
plain, explicit, easy to, unpretentious, straight-thinking, down to earth, unambiguous, indisputable, unequivocal, without a hitch, unproblematic, sticking to the facts, effortless, ordinary, plain and simple, precise, unembellished, minimum, usual, trouble-free, undemanding, definite, natural, straightforward, with both feet on the ground, simple to, without ornamentation, clear-cut, minimal, normal, unfussy, unsophisticated, unadorned, smooth.

A colloquial word is an informal, often entertaining word or phrase used in everyday conversation. When you use colloquial words, you draw your reader closer because you appear more familiar, more friendly and personal instead of distant.

Be aware that using colloquial words to much to the wrong market segment can have the opposite effect.

Use colloquial words that are understandable to most people with a reasonable familiarity with English. Here are some examples of normal used colloquial words that have found their way to mainstream online communications:

Colloquial vs. Normal words: defect vs. glitch, dough vs. money, megabucks vs. a lot of money, glitzy vs. ashionable, bummed vs. depressed, get a kick out of vs. enjoy, keep your cool vs. remain calm, con vs. deceive, has deep pockets vs. has a good source of money, make waves vs. cause trouble, bent out of shape vs. become upset, twenty grand vs. $20,000, cool vs. great, blown away vs. greatly impressed, blow a fuse vs. lose your temper, honcho vs. boss, come up for air vs. take a break, laid-back vs. calm and relaxed.

