Dakota Digital MCL-5000 Series Classic Oval Speedometer

Dakota Digital MCL-5000 Series Classic Oval Speedometer

• Introducing the next generation bar mount speedometer from Dakota Digital
• The MCL-5000 series replaces the ever popular HLY-5011
• As with all MCL series gauges, these speedometers are easily visible in direct sun
• Features include a 0-255 MPH/km/h adjustable speedometer with odometer and trip meter
• Also included are indicators for left and right turn signals, high beam, neutral, low oil pressure, and check engine
• Uses BKT-50xx series brackets and SEN-60xx series speed senders
• Dimensions: 3-1/2″ x 2″

Tradisi Rasulan di Gunungkidul

Di kalangan masyarakat Kalurahan Nglindur, Kapanewon Girisubo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta ada sebuah tradisi yang dinamakan sebagai rasulan. Tradisi yang biasanya dibarengai dengan buang sukerto ini merupakan sebuah bentuk ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menjelang musim panen tiba serta membuang hal-hal negatif agar terhindar dari penyakit dan marabahaya.

Rasulan biasanya diadakan antara bulan April hingga Juli. Adapun prosesinya dimulai dengan memanjatkan doa yang dilakukan oleh sesepuh adat Dusun Nglindur. Sebelum doa di mulai, setiap makanan yang dibawa oleh warga masyarakat akan ditempatkan di atas meja. Selesai berdoa, makanan ini akan disantap secara bersama-sama. Sedangkan puncaknya adalah ziarah ke Petilasan Bondan Surati yang oleh masyarakat setempat dipercaya dapat mendatangkan berkah sekaligus sebagai penolak bala.

Arai Corsair-X Haslam Full Face Helmet

Arai Corsair-X Haslam Full Face Helmet

• This shield pivot point allows a much smoother shell that when impacted will redirect energy as opposed to absorbing
• The VAS Max Vision face shield comes standard so you have better visibility in any weather and any season and features a clear Pinlock insert
• A de-mist latch position slightly cracks the shield open
• The VAS shield latch system holds the shield securely in place with no unexpected movement
• With the quick release lever, you can easily remove and change the face shield with no complications
• The interior is almost as impressive as the outside featuring an Eco-Pure liner that is fully removable and anti-bacterial
• A chin curtain is included to minimize air intrusion
• The removable neck roll features additional exhaust channels to remove interior heat
• Removable temple and crown padding allow for a custom fit
• Cheek pads feature emergency release tabs
• Easily use your ear buds or

Arai Corsair-X Scope White Full Face Helmet

Arai Corsair-X Scope White Full Face Helmet

• The VAS Shield System is truly unique to the Corsair-X by moving the pivot point of the helmet lower than any other and recessed into the helmet deeper than most making this variable axis point almost flush with the helmet shell
• This shield pivot point allows a much smoother shell that when impacted will redirect energy as opposed to absorbing
• The VAS Max Vision face shield comes standard so you have better visibility in any weather and any season and features a clear Pinlock insert
• A de-mist latch position slightly cracks the shield open
• The VAS shield latch system holds the shield securely in place with no unexpected movement
• With the quick release lever, you can easily remove and change the face shield with no complications
• The interior is almost as impressive as the outside featuring an Eco-Pure liner that is fully removable and anti-bacterial
• A chin curtain is included to minimize air intrusion
• The removable neck roll features additional exhaust channels to remove interior heat
• Removable temple and crown padding allow for a custom fit
• Cheek pads feature emergency release tabs
• Easily use your ear buds or Bluetooth Communication System with the peel away ear pockets designed for speakers
• The Arai Corsair-X meets or exceeds DOT and Snell M2015 standards

Arai Corsair-X Bracket Hi-Viz Full Face Helmet

Arai Corsair-X Bracket Hi-Viz Full Face Helmet

• The VAS Shield System is truly unique to the Corsair-X by moving the pivot point of the helmet lower than any other and recessed into the helmet deeper than most making this variable axis point almost flush with the helmet shell
• This shield pivot point allows a much smoother shell that when impacted will redirect energy as opposed to absorbing
• The VAS Max Vision face shield comes standard so you have better visibility in any weather and any season and features a clear Pinlock insert
• A de-mist latch position slightly cracks the shield open
• The VAS shield latch system holds the shield securely in place with no unexpected movement
• With the quick release lever, you can easily remove and change the face shield with no complications
• The interior is almost as impressive as the outside featuring an Eco-Pure liner that is fully removable and anti-bacterial
• A chin curtain is included to minimize air intrusion
• The removable neck roll features additional exhaust channels to remove interior heat
• Removable temple and crown padding allow for a custom fit
• Cheek pads feature emergency release tabs
• Easily use your ear buds or Bluetooth Communication System with the peel away ear pockets designed for speakers

Covid-19 Varian India Ada di 17 Negara

Varian baru Covid-19 B.1.617 yang menurut WHO muncul pertama kali di India kini telah ada di 17 negara. Adapun jumlah totalnya yang diunggah ke situs basis data inisiatif sains global GISAID sekitar 1.200 kasus dengan mayoritas berada di India, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, dan Singapura.

Varian baru ini oleh WHO masih dikatogerikan dalam Varian of Interest (VOI) atau klasifikasi mutasi yang menyebabkan penularan pada banyak kasus di berbagai belahan dunia. Apabila ternyata memiliki tingkat penularan dan keparahan tinggi, maka VOI dapat berubah menjadi Variant of Concern atau VOC yang dapat mengancam mekanisme penanganan kesehatan.

Selain abai terhadap protokol keseharan, disinyalir varian baru B.1.617 merupakan salah satu penyebab meningkatnya kasus corona India secara drastis. Pada selasa (27/4) misalnya, negara ini melaporkan setidaknya 350 ribu kasus Covid-19 dalam sehari sehingga totalnya mencapai 147,7 juta kasus.

Makanan Penyebab Asam Urat

Asam urat adalah sebuah penyakit yang menyerang ersendian seperti jari tangan, jari kaki, pergelangan kaki, dan lutut. Bila terserang, pada area tersebut akan terjadi pembengkakan, nyeri, dan panas.

Ada beberapa faktor penyebab timbulnya asam urat. Salah satunya adalah dari makanan yang memiliki banyak kandungan purin. Purin dalam tubuh akan dipecah menjadi asam urat yang larut dalam darah kemudian disaring oleh ginjal dan terakhir dikeluarkan dengan air kencing.

Namun, apabila mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung terlalu banyak purin, maka jumlah asam urat akan menumpuk di dalam tubuh. Berikut adalah makanan dan minuman yang dapat memperbanyak jumlah asam urat: (1) minuman bersoda; (2) minuman beralkohol; (3) seafood (ikan teri, kepiting, dan udang); dan (4) liver serta organ dalam lainnya.
