Vapiki 1.07

Vapiki mixes classics Mario and Boulderdash into one new game.

One day, the human discovered an ancient grave below a Dutch monolith. They decided to move the monolith anware that the spirit of the evil Reus En Gem An who lived here around 3,000 years ago. This evil spirit directly casted one of his evil spells and all human being on Earth where frozen…

All humans, not the animals. Three animals (a pig, a frog and a penguin) decided to save humanity by defeating the evil spirit of Reus En Gem An.

Vapiki is based on two Acorn BBC 8-bit games:
Repton and Magic Mushrooms.

To defeat the evil sprit En Gem An you need to collect love diamands. Each level has one love diamond.

On your journey you can also collect other gems and crowns for bonus points.

What´s New in version 1.07:

bug fixes and more accurate gameplay on slower machines

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